Wednesday, October 19, 2011

A Disturbing Tail

 A couple of years ago, during one fine evening, I screamed bloody murder, though no murder occurred. It was only a practical joke. My sister, Katie, called me to come investigate something under her bed, and I took the necessary precaution: "Is it a spider?" She assured me that it wasn't. Upon peeking under the bed, I was startled to see a furry lump that strongly resembled a mouse. We had good reason to believe it was a rodent, as we occasionally hear them attacking our insulation in the ceiling. After conferring together, we fetched one of my brother's handmade, fiberglass swords and Katie proceeded to drag the U.F.O. (Unidentified Furry Object) out from under the bed. During this time I droned on and on about how silly the little girl was who had shrieked during a scary scene in National Treasure: Book of Secrets. Suddenly, Katie cried out in terror, threw the object at my head, and the blood-curdling scream I let loose was so deafening that the rest of the family heard it two floors down, and my dad remarked: "That can't be good." Katie, who was laughing hysterically, would have perished from the many dagger wounds I had given her while glaring, if it had been possible. Evil or Very Mad It took me a few minutes to stop shaking, and then no words could describe my humiliation upon discovering that a puppet lion had caused me such a fright! Embarassed Katie had not known what the object was until she had retrieved it from under the bed, but then she had fun with it and gullible me, boy howdy! Crying or Very sad

The moral of this pathetic tale is this: never belittle young, screaming girls, and then scream just like one! Laughing

1 comment:

  1. Bonjour administrateur du blog, merci pour cette excellente opportunité d'écrire sur votre blog concernant un acte merveilleux d'un guérisseur traditionnel appelé Dr Itua qui m'a aidé à guérir mon lupus et mon diabète en même temps que j'étais dévasté de vivre une vie sans défense jusqu'à ce que je tombe sur Dr Itua herbal center.Dr Itua est un phytothérapeute traditionnel qui réside en Afrique et il a tellement de connaissances sur les racines naturelles et les herbes pour guérir toutes sortes de maladies et d'infections, le Dr Itua a vraiment été si bon avec moi et ma famille à temps de remèdes à base de plantes, je conseillerai donc à toute personne ici ayant des problèmes de santé de contacter le Dr Itua pour obtenir de l'aide pour guérir de toutes sortes de maladies. Contactez le centre de plantes médicinales du Dr Itua sur :  /whatsapp : +2348149277967
